The yellow line is plotted using the dotted line style and diamond marker. The orange line is plotted using the dashed line style and Asterisk marker.
#Matlab plot colors plus#
The blue line is plotted using the solid line style and plus sign marker. We have plotted four sine waves with different phases, line styles, and markers in the above code. You can also combine different markers with different line styles to make them different from one another. We have plotted a cosine wave with dashed line style in the above code, a diamond marker of size 15, red marker edge color, and cyan marker face color. You can change the marker face color using the property name MarkerFaceColor, and you can also change the marker size using the property name MarkerSize. For example, you can change the marker edge color using the property name MarkerEdgeColor. You can also change other properties of the marker. You can change the markers on each line in the plot function according to your requirements. The yellow line is plotted using the diamond marker, and the violet line is plotted using the circle marker. The orange line is plotted using the Asterisk marker. The blue line is plotted using the plus sign marker. In the above code, we are plotting four sine waves with different phases and different markers. For example, let’s plot the above figure with different markers. You can use many line markers to make one plot different from another in MATLAB like the circle marker and the Asterisk marker etc. Make One Plot Different From Another Using Different Line Markers in MATLAB You can change each line’s line width in the plot function according to your requirements. The solid line of blue color has a line width of 2, the dashed line of orange color has a line width of 3, the dotted line of yellow color has a line width of 4, and the dash-dot line of violet color has a line width of 5. In the above code, we have changed the line width of all four lines starting from 2. You can also change the width of all these lines according to your requirements using the property name LineWidth inside the plot() function.

The color of these plots is different from each other because MATLAB automatically changes the color of plots if they are on the same figure. In the above code, we are plotting three sine waves with different phases and different line styles. For example, let’s plot four sine waves in MATLAB with different line styles. You can use these styles to make one plot different from another.

There are four line styles available in MATLAB: solid line, dash line, dotted line, and dashed-dot line. Make One Plot Different From Another Using Different Line Styles in MATLAB This tutorial will discuss how we can make one plot different from another using the line styles, markers, and colors in MATLAB.